Thursday, January 6, 2011


Auditions for Bad Seed & Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect were today! I think my monologue went over well! I did a cut version of a monologue I found on youtube. It's a great one! And the performer on youtube is so grand! Take a peek : )

P.S. If anyone knows the author of this, PLEASE let me know A.S.A.P. !

My cut:


Everyday... Everyday it's the same thing. It's exhausting. The worry, the waiting, the hoping... It's almost as exhausting as working three jobs. But you know, I can't complain. I have a beautiful boy and he is so smart... So smart... But I have to complain. I'm just so sick and tired of picking up Manny from school and watching his little eyes watch the other kids go home. And I can just see those wheels turning... I can see him thinking, wondering- What's it like... What's it like to go to a place where the refrigerator is always full... To have juices and snack and fresh vegetables. I'm sorry... There are just so many things that are good for our kids but cost so damn much. God forbid we actually eat well! But by god, by god... My son will not go to sleep hungry and he will not wake up hungry. Even if I have to.